Roman Blind Headrail


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Roman Blind Headrail

Roman Blind Headrail are created for roman blinds for an extra smooth operation.

If you’re looking for a smooth operator with reliability… we have it.

Our premium H800 blind kit features the NEW  ‘child safety’ Chain Release Control Unit. This new unit will release the cog from the headrail when a force of 6kg is applied, allowing the chain to fall freely from the track, avoiding any potential danger. The cog is cleverly designed to remain attached to the headrail, avoiding any small parts risk and can be easily reset by following the instructions.

Complete headrail with all fittings.

Sold in Singles

Complete Kits Contain:

  • Headrail H700T
  • Control Rod H700CR
  • NEW Chain Release Control Unit H700BACU
  • Sew in Loop tape 20mm White
  • NEW Twist & Lock Cord Spools H700TCS
  • Lever Lock Brackets H700UB with plugs & screws
  • Sew in Safety Toggles H700ST with orb ties
  • Satin Nickel Chain H4048B/SN 95cm drop
  • Warning Label for Chain
  • Chain Stopper H700CST
  • 7 Fibreglass Rods 4mm
  • Aluminium Bottom Bar H967
  • Fitting Instructions and Allen Keys
  • Following the instructions and using the safety devices provided, your blinds will comply to BSEN13120:2009+A1:2014. Full instructions will be included in each kit and all our safety devices have been tested to BSEN16433:2014 & BSEN16434:2015

Take a look at our Corded

Variable Kit Contents

Size Control






Spools & Toggles Chain


Chain Stop Device 20mm

Loop tape


Fibre Rods


Bottom Bar

60cm 1:1 (4kg) 55cm 2 2 2 1 60cm 7 x 58cm  58cm
75cm 1:1 (4kg) 70cm 2 2 2 1 75cm 7 x 73cm  73cm
90cm 1:1 (4kg) 85cm 3 3 2 1 90cm 7 x 88cm  88cm
105cm 1:1 (4kg) 100cm 3 3 2 1 105cm 7 x 103cm  103cm
120cm 1:1 (4kg) 115cm 4 4 2 1 120cm 7 x 118cm 118cm
135cm 1:1 (4kg) 130cm 4 4 2 1 135cm 7 x 133cm  133cm
150cm 1:1 (4kg) 145cm 4 5 2 1 150cm 7 x 148cm 148cm
180cm 1:1 (4kg) 175cm 5 6 2 1 180cm 7 x 178cm  178cm
210cm 1:3 (8kg) 205cm 5 6 n/a n/a 210cm 7 x 208cm  208cm
240cm 1:3 (8kg) 235cm 5 7 n/a n/a 240cm 7 x 238cm  238cm
270cm 1:3 (8kg) 265cm 6 8 n/a n/a 270cm 7 x 268cm  268cm
300cm 1:3 (8kg) 295cm 7 8 n/a n/a 300cm 7 x 298cm 298cm

Please visit the government site if you are unsure of child safety compliance

Additional information



105 cm, 120 cm, 135 cm, 150cm, 180cm, 210 cm, 240 cm, 270 cm, 300cm, 60 cm, 75cm, 90 cm


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